• Ebrahim Byagowi's avatar
    Make hb_blob_create_from_file more portable (#1027) · 7e76d746
    Ebrahim Byagowi authored
    This makes it compatible with ARMCC which I had access in
    a collaboration with @imgtec, thanks!
    Basically hb_blob_create_from_file features three code paths,
    mmap, Win32 and fallback.
    We had fallback implementation even before this but it was relied
    to "open" which is not available on some environments. This change
    improved the situtation by using only fopen and friends for
    fallback path.
    Interestingly we could use "open" on Windows but in fact it was
    emulated by MSVCRT so I've completely split that from Unix path
    now that we have a distinct path for fallback path also.
hb-blob.cc 13.9 KB