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Articles and documents about HVML
Documents for MiniGUI Core and MiniGUI Components
My Favorite Tools
This repository contains the examples (bad or good) of my course: the Best Practices of C Language.
A mature cross-platform windowing and GUI system for embedded systems and smart IoT devices
The sample codes are for HybridOS Lite version, mginit and some samples are inclusive. It illustrates how to build an entire project, which runs in HybridOS Lite.
The building scripts for MiniGUI 5.0
Articles and documents about HVML
The building scripts for MiniGUI 5.0
GUIBuilder of miniStudio
The Eclipse plugin of miniStudio
Documents for MiniGUI Core and MiniGUI Components
This demo shows the new features of MiniGUI 3.0. Note that this demo runs under MiniGUI-Processes runtime mode.
The core library of mDolphin, which is a WebKit-based WWW browser for MiniGUI 3.0 or later.
The Home release of mDolphin, which is a HTML5 browser based on WebKit for MiniGUI.
The TV release of mDolphin, which is a HTML5 browser based on WebKit for MiniGUI.
Samples for mDolphin
mGallery intends to provide a total solution for PMP (Portable Multimedia Player), which uses MiniGUI as the graphics platform.
mSpider intends to provide a light-weight MiniGUI-based web browser (HTML 3.2 and part JavaScript)
Scripts to build MiniGUI 3.2 and mGUXDemo.